Monday, September 15, 2014

Join me on a 30 day Maintenance Cleanse!

For the next 30 days I will be consuming only Smoothies, 
Juices and Raw Foods in order to detoxify and nourish my body. 

This will be my last long cleanse of the year and 
should get me in good shape for the holiday season.

These cleanses are a personal experience and I by no means 
want people to think they should be doing these more than a couple times a year.

It can be very beneficial to give your digestive system a rest 
and flood your system with nourishment but a healthy
regular diet is the most important.

I do these to make MYSELF feel better and 
because I am still struggling with losing weight.
I did a lot of damage to my body and I feel these help repair that damage.
I know I am a lot better off now and I know I am healthy.
But I can always be more healthy!

So this latest cleanse, much like most of my cleanses recently, 
was sparked out of my sister starting her first juice cleanse!
She found a good deal on a 3 day juice cleanse delivery product.
I have always wanted to try one because they are cold pressed, 
convenient and they have awesome fruit and veggie combos.
But they are always crazy expensive.

So my sister found a great deal, HALF OFF!
I jumped at the chance.

I am doing what they call the advanced forever cleanse that is mostly veggies.

3 Days, 6 Juices per day

2x Sweet Greens: Apple, Cucumber, Celery, Kale, Chard, romaine, Spinach, Lemon, Ginger.
2x Detox Greens: Apple, Cucumber, Celery, Wheat-grass, Dandelion, Watercress, Wild Arugula, Lemon, Ginger
2x Spicy Lemonade: Water, Lemon, Agave, Cayenne
2x Coconut Fusion: Coconut Water and Flesh

That is an amazing combo for detoxing, wow!

And its all bottled and sent and it's kept cold.

My juice gets here Thursday I hope and 
I start either that day or Friday depending on when it gets here.

Now I thought I might as well take this opportunity 
and further supplement this juice fast.

And the best way to transition in to a juice fast? 
A smoothie fast! I also want to try a couple weeks of raw veggies.
So in the end this will end up being 30 days.

So this will be another month without meat AND dairy.
The first few days I will be consuming Kefir and Yogurt because
I need to consume it but after that, no dairy will be consumed.

30 day detox/cleanse plan:
3 days of smoothies followed by 4 days of juicing. 
Then 7 days of smoothies.
A 16 day RAW FOOD ONLY plan will then start.
I will go into the Raw Food plan in another post.

Wish me luck and please follow this blog and help support it!

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