Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 8 - Last day of juicing.

So today I feel great. Woke up refreshed and ready to start the day. I am back down to 185 lbs.

This morning I went to the store to refill on water and pick up some produce.

I decided to end the juice fast with some more fruit centered juices 
and I picked up some interesting stuff to juice.

I got Pineapple, Crisp Pink Apples, Sweet Potato, Persimmon, Starfruit,
Fennel, Grapefruit, Orange, Carrots, Cucumber, Celery, Grape Tomato, Ginger and Kale.

The first juice I made included the Sweet Potato, Grapefruit, Carrot, Orange and Persimmon.

I drank that then juiced a pineapple and some fennel on top of the left overs and saved that for tomorrow.

My Green juice for the rest of the day included, Apple, Ginger, Celery, 
Cucumber, Kale. Fennel, Sweet Potato, Star Fruit, Lemon, Lime and Tomato.

I also picked up some coconut milk and Kefir for the smoothies that start tomorrow!

I am glad the juicing is almost over, as long as you can keep your mind busy 
and you transition correctly it can be a very enjoyable experience.
I never regret my juice fasts, it's just really tough those first few days.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! As hard as a smoothie fast was I am still benefiting from it as far as my hunger being down 2 days after. I have to remind myself to eat and it takes a lot longer to get hungry and less food to make me full which was my goal!
